Celebrate International Joke Day With These Wine Puns!

Looking for some good old-fashioned wine jokes that even your dad would be proud of? Then look no further because for International Joke Day, we’ve gathered up a collection of top-notch wine puns you can use to guarantee a belly laugh or two!

Top wine related jokes

Top 15+ Wine-Related Jokes

  1. What do you call a wine hangover? The grape depression.

  2. I was having wine with my wife when she said ‘I love you so much, you know. I don’t know how I could ever live without you.’ I said, ‘Is that you or the wine talking?’ She said, ‘It’s me talking to the wine.’

  3. We have an open-door policy. Show up with wine, and we’ll open the door.

  4. It’s funny how 8 glasses of water a day seems impossible but 8 glasses of wine is a sign of a good meal.

  5. Wine improves with age. I improve with wine.

  6. Did you hear about the little grape who didn’t want to be made into wine? Unfortunately, he was pressed into service!

  7. He said his non-alcoholic wine was delicious; I said he had no proof.

  8. I’m a wine enthusiast. The more wine I drink, the more enthusiastic I get.

  9. Do librarians like white wine? No, they like theirs well red!

  10. How do you decide how much wine to drink? Take it on case-by-case basis.

  11. Did you know wine doesn’t make you fat? It makes you lean…against tables, chairs, floors, walls and ugly people.

  12. What did the grape say when the elephant stood on it? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.

  13. The first thing on my bucket list? To fill the bucket with wine.

  14. Whenever I feel like wining, I remind myself to put a cork in it.

  15. What’s the secret to enjoying a good bottle of wine? Open the bottle to let it breathe. If it doesn’t look like it’s breathing, give it mouth-to-mouth.

  16. I drank so much wine last night that when I walked across the dance floor to get another glass, I won the dance competition.

  17. I love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.

Laughing with wine

So, what’s your favorite wine joke? Are you the jokester of your family or friends group? Hopefully these wine-related puns will have your friends and family rolling with laughter…after setting down their glass of Iowa wine, of course.
